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Men's Club

A group of men affiliated with the Lutheran Laymen’s League who meets for Bible Study and to do different fellowship and fundraisers throughout the year. They meet with the rest of Circuit 7 for a Spring and Fall LLL Rally. Meets the first Wednesday of the month at 8:00 p.m. from September – May.






Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML): A group of women affiliated with the Kansas District and LCMS LWML. They meet for Bible Study and to discuss other business. They meet with the rest of Circuit 7 for a Spring and Fall LWML Rally. Meets every other month on the second Monday at 7:00 p.m. The current president is Kay Bott; she can be reached at (785) 632-0171 or



Lutheran Youth Fellowship (LYF): A group of high school aged youth who take part in social and service events throughout the year. This group also attends the National Youth Gathering every 3 years. They meet throughout the year for events and sponsor the fellowship hour after church services. The LYF leaders are Canaan and Jessica Ohlde.

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Mixed Choir

A choir made up of men and women, directed by Diane Hayes, which sings throughout the year and during special festival services. They typically sing the first Sunday of each month. 


Kid's Choir

A choir of all Sunday School aged children, which sings throughout the year; they also perform a Christmas Program on Christmas Eve. Kids' Choir practices immediately after the worship service before going to their Sunday School classrooms.

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Banner Makers

A group of women who make new banners for the church. They meet for workdays that are announced in the bulletin.

Ministries: Service

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